September 23, 2024
The Metro Camera Club annual Ice Cream Social will be on September 23, 2024, beginning at 6:30pm. Bring your favorite ice cream, home made or store bought, or bring a side dish side dish. Volunteers are welcome and should contact Cindy Risi at:

The same evening we will be viewing entries for the treasure Hunt.

Treasure hunt rules are as follows: each member may enter 3 PDI images, color or black & white. the subject is "WET". Submit your entries to: by 9:00pm on September 20, 2024.
September 23, 2024
Doug Hoke
"Captured Through the Years, 47 of Them"

 I acquired my first camera, a Pentax Spotmatic F, in 1973. Joined the Northwest Classen yearbook and newspaper as a junior, realized photography was my calling as a senior.

Went to CSU and in my third semester was hired at The Oklahoman, November 1976. Graduated CSU (UCO) in 1980 with degree in photojournalism. Worked as a stringer for Sports Illustrated in the '80s. Was photography department manager for 14 years.

Inducted into the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame in 2018.

I've had 3 solo and 2 other shared art exhibits and was a finalist for the Skirvin Artist-in-Residence program administered through Paseo Artist Association. in 2019.

After using Canon for 42 years, switched to Fujifilm 3 years ago. Gannett just switched The Oklahoman from Canon to Sony. I'm sticking with Fujifilm for personal work.