OPANDA Power Exif PowerExif is a professional tool to edit EXIF data in images. As the best assistant to modify image information for photographer & editor, PowerExif allows to add, modify, delete all Exif tag freely. Not only you could manage and record photographic data and GPS data of images, but also you could keep maxium 60,000 characters as multilanguage code in images.
FREE DCE Free DCE does the hard job of noise reducing and automatic balance control for you. And it is free!
The program works best if you have bad light condition (indoor, shadows etc..) and your image is somehow off. So if some of your images are already fine, you won't see much difference. DCE makes very delicate changes.
FastStone Image Viewer NEWEST VERSION!
FastStone Image Viewer lets you browse and view your images in a Windows-Explorer-like interface. The program supports all major image formats, including BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPEG2000, PCX, PNG, PSD, TAF, TIF, and WMF. It includes EXIF metadata support as well. You can crop, resize, flip, rotate, and adjust colors on your images and compare them side by side. Latest version now allows viewing of RAW files in all formats and image editing.
You can also convert your images from one format to another; you can even convert, resize and remname your photos in batches. You can also apply over 150 transitional effects in a slide show.
Combine ZP Focus Stacking Software
This a newer version of the FREE software demonstrated at the Metro Camera Club meeting on July 11, 2016. The old software, Combine ZM did not have a working "help" file available.
(click to download)